Friday, March 27, 2009

Under a Tree

I took this photo from my perfect shade spot on my last day in the Dominican Republic....where we were given a few hours to see something beautiful instead of the poverty.

The sun doth not love me! To avoid the burn from the damaging rays, I found my spot under the tree. I stared at this view for about 2 hours. The waves were wild. The water was cold. The mountains in the distance seemed to tell a lie about this place. The clouds hovered above, as I imagine they always do.

We cannot always sit under the tree. We have to move about, move through, move around. The tree is not our shelter or our shield. If all we ever do is fix our eyes on the beautiful things, we will grow numb and insensitive to all that is decaying and falling away.

I don't want to hide under the tree and be safe from the elements. I want to walk into the winds and the storms and fiercly serve to spread the word of the one true Protector, Teacher, Healer, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Forgiver, Creator, The Almighty.

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