Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Smashed Taters

Tomorrow, my Shawn will be 2 years old. On 12/4....my sweet Asher turned the big 04....yep that's right.....he is 4 years old. I cannot believe it. I didn't post about him at that time because my head was already in Zimbabwe on 12/4, even though my body didn't board the plane until 12/5...... But here is the latest Asher Tate gallery.................love that swirl in the middle of his head that makes his hair do unreasonable things.........

Asher has earned a few nicknames in his short 4-years..... who can have a middle name like Tate and NOT be called Tater every once in a while..???(or everday???) I also call him "Tater Tot, or "Splasher" when he's taking a bath, or "Smasher" when we're playing around and being silly. I also regularly call him "monkey", or "What the?", or HEY....GET IN HERE.....and well, you see where this is going. But when you cross Smasher with Tater, with get Smashed Taters......

Happy Birthday sweet Tater Tot! I thank God for you!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday to you Asher! What a fun day for a birthday!