Friday, October 1, 2010

learning love

I'm overwhelmed these days by the love in my life, both going out and coming in. I have a very sweet, special, dances to the beat of her own rhythm, tender, brave friend who I haven't really known for long, and rarely get to see but maybe once every 2 or 3 months.....well I met her for lunch yesterday. When we meet, our time is brief and mostly intense. I can't say no to her. If she called me and said, "hey girl come meet me at the spot in the dark wood where the moonbeams sear through the leaves and shines a light on the path.....for 20 minutes at midnight".... i would probably do it. I'm gripped by her presence. Yesterday, for nearly 30 minutes straight, we talked about "love". The conversation just went there. And not just any love.....but the way that God truly transforms us, almost magically, not only by loving us.....but by infusing us with His love and making it possible for us to love others. We sat in a quaint, perfect, eating establishment in a dern near perfect town square. It was full... bustling with noise and conversation, forks ringing against sweet small white ceramic platters, laughter, business speak, food orders, and footsteps on crickety wooden floors. We shared our thoughts and experiences on the miracle of God's love. Between the things that we shared, as well as love portions that we poured forth......the more vivid the picture in my minds' eye comes into focus on the deep, true commands of love in scripture. If Jesus commands us to love people who are difficult (if not impossible) to love, then it must also be true that He makes it possible.

Love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and compassion.....these are not things you and I are truly capable of. We have not the strength to conjure up the truest expressions of these gifts, aside from what the Spirit gives us. I feel sad for those who believe God no longer performs miracles. When your heart has been cleansed of hate, bitterness, envy, malice, disdain and a whole host of other uglies.......God didn't just perform a miracle....He flat out transformed the world again.

My friend and I parted ways to rush back to the lives that manage our children, spiff up our walls, sorts through closets and weeds the garden. And as if my afternoon hadn't been picturesque enough, my journey back involved backroads, rolling hills, fall air sweeping through the car while my long'ish hair floated up and out of the moonroof....and a little Patty Griffin in my speakers. All I could see were faces......faces of the women in my life who soak up a little of me and pour out much of themselves. One by one the faces of my friends passed through my mind. Having lost 2 wayward girlfriends in the past for reasons unknown, an iron gate around my heart has been difficult to pass through. But I don't think its there anymore. I see love all around. I am in awe as I sit with friends, here and there, girlfriends who love Jesus.... and I know that He is in them. He is on their insides. He appears in their thoughts and He provides the love in those sweet warm embraces. The very love He commands, He provides. He makes impossible love, possible.

1 comment:

Sandra Coffee said...

Beautifully said, certainly have been gifted with the ability to write!! I would love to meet you in person one day soon!