I did not know that today would be a $200 day for the truck. But it has been. Yesterday, no money came at all. Today...money. This journey is such a joy for me. I don't believe I have ever trusted God quite this much before. Truly, I just feel like his accountant right now. He's in charge. I'm just the one running back and forth to the bank. I love it. I love and appreciate being in servcie to Him.
I'm a recipient of some sweet love today, too. Blessings rain on me. First, one of my dear friends took me to lunch. She wanted to thank me for something, that I really should be thanking her for. But it meant so much to her....so I didn't fuss about who would pick up the check. It feels good to be the recipient of that....but I know how good it felt to her too, to treat me. It's just a sweet thing that I do not take for granted.
But that's not the only sweet thing. Another friend of mine delivered a meal for my family tonight. A homemade delight. Why? She shared with me what a faith builder and special experience the truck efforts have meant to her as a participant, and as a witness. You know what...her family preparing a meal for my family is such an act of love. I have done not a darn thing to deserve it....but this truck fundraiser is blessing people. I love the stories so much. I did not anticipate that I would be rewarded with such sweetness by stepping out of my comfort zone. Who knew? It just means so much to me that it means so much to many of you. I am humbled and amazed. And I just hope that I am doing a fair job of directing all of the glory to God in Heaven. It is all for Him. I am offering your kindness back to Him. I am offering your generosity back to Him. I am offering your faith back to Him. The only thing I'm keeping......is the food. (Yum!)
Thank you PZ and SJ for your donations today. Ya'll rock....but...you already knew that.
I have a tiny announcement......I have started a new "mommy" blog. I'm blogging about my kids at a different address....and I'm keeping this blog for the hard core life stuff and the faith journey that I am on with Jesus. If you are a mommy of any age and desire to follow along with me in the greatest privilege on earth....please stop by my mommy blog. You'll be expected to leave comments, though. I'm just sayin. I don't want this to be a one sided relationship. I want community...and you're it....so there. I've only put up 2 posts....but you can visit me at www.MommyOnBoard.wordpress.com I plan to do full length posts as well as very random quick tidbits (like Facebook) as I am able to post to that blog from my cell phone...and some moments are just too good to pass up. So...to visit go here.
Lastly I want to leave you with a challenge. During my women's bible study group today, or DVD teacher, Beth Moore, made a statement about not answering to a calling that God has put in your heart. She reminded us that if we do not step out, God will give that crown to someone else. So....whatever it is that you feel God is calling you to do that maybe you don't have time for right now, or money for, or courage for....remember that He is the God of all things and when He calls you to a calling, He also equips you. Go ahead, step up and grab your crown. Walk with Him in faith. He has a hold of your right hand and there is nothing to fear.
Isaiah 41:13 (look it up!)
For now, I've gotta go heat up some grub and change a poopy diaper. Shoooooo-weee!
What I Would Have Said
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
Thanks for passing on that challenge from Beth Moore. There's something I feel God has been calling me to do. It's time to do it!
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