I looked out the window in the kitchen, standing 2 feet away from Asher as he intently focused on his coloring project at the kitchen table. I said "look at that beautiful tree in our front yard Asher, it is turning all red and it makes me SOOOO happy!". Asher replied, "It makes me so happy that you are my mommy!"
Shawn has given me about 5 hugs since he woke up from his nap 5 minutes ago. 1 hug per minute. That's a pretty huge return on my investment even if I do say so myself.
A couple of days ago Spencer woke up and walked into the kitchen and kissed my cheek. He quickly asked if I would make him some cinnamon toast, to which I readily agreed. His response: "I love having a mom!".
I am exhausted and out of style, but I wouldn't trade this gig for anything. I am reaping too many sweet rewards.
What I Would Have Said
2 weeks ago
You're right, reaping can be very fulfilling. On Wednesday, this week my wife Yvonne and I got to watch our two kids, Yvette and Bill, stand on a platform at our local Events Center and be honored for the work they've done hiring and training handicapped kids (some of them Downs kids, like your son). They got a certificate (called a Mayors' Leadership Award) signed by the mayors of both local towns, and even our state governor, Dave Freudenthal. I don't know how to describe how neat that was - except maybe to say that we felt it wasn't only the Mayor and Governor honoring them, but God too. We were very proud parents. All the years leading up to now were worth it. May you have many rewards too.
Thank you for sharing these special moments. What a harvest you're reaping.
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