After I finished posting my blog last night, Shawn through his greatest fit to date. It was exhausting. Every extremity is hooked up to something, and so the legs and arms flailing are not good. I was so upset, I finally CRIED and started barking orders. I apologized later.
Shawn got some meds that completely relaxed him and he had a good night. In the night, they were able to take the CPAP out of his nose. His oxygen levels are good but he still needs a little oxygen boost so there is another mask on now.
The big news overnight is that one of his lungs is not functioning well, so they are getting ready to kick me out of his room so they can do a procedure to insert another chest tube so that the excess air can drain from the lung. They will sedate him for this. Also, he still needs the temporary pacemaker. But overall, he is more comfortable. They are telling me that everything else is fine.
Even with Benadryl, I was not able to sleep at all. I think probably around 4ish this morning I started to sleep from he exhaustion, but only in short periods. I'm up now and ready for my morning coffee. Joe will be taking Asher to school around 8:30am and then he will be here. We are still in PCCU, and still cannot really have visitors.
I am hoping that while Joe is here today, I can take a break and post something more meaningful.
Love from Shawn and his Mommy.
What I Would Have Said
2 weeks ago
I'll pray for you and family.:)
Hey, everything you post is meaningful. Thanks for thinking about those who are praying for Shawn! It is an exhausting time and I pray for perseverance for you. Already you have shown more grace, grit and faith than you probably ever knew you had. You are a person of character and I am so very proud of your strength and resolve.
Love to you, Tracy
Praying for you, Sister. It's hard, I know, but trust. Recall those scriptures you know about God and His love for you and Shawn. Trust Him. Trust Him.
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